Journal of Research in Turkic Languages

Aims, Scope and Policies

ISSN: 2667-8586

Focus & Scope

The Journal of Research in Turkic Languages (JRTL) publishes a broad range of papers from all Turkic languages. It addresses descriptive, comparative, synchronic, diachronic, theoretical and methodological problems of the study of Turkic languages including questions of genealogical, typological and areal relations, linguistic variation and language acquisition.

Publication Frequency & doi

JRTL is published every May and November.

JRTL assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each published article. DOI is a unique access number that enables the identification and accessibility of each article published electronically. It is mandatory that each article published in JRTL or in early release is assigned a DOI number.

Open Access Policy

JRTL is committed to promoting the widest possible dissemination of research through our open access policy. Our open access policy ensures that all published articles are freely available to readers worldwide without any subscription or paywall barriers. We believe that open access is essential for fostering the global exchange of knowledge and advancing research in the field of Turkic languages. JRTL adheres to the definition of open access as outlined by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Association of Open Access Editors (AOAE):

DOAJ's Definition of Open Access: Open access means making research publications freely available online without restrictions, ensuring that anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles. Open access removes barriers to accessing scholarly work, promoting greater visibility, and facilitating the advancement of research.

Association of Open Access Editors (AOAE): The AOAE supports the dissemination of scholarly work through open access, advocating for unrestricted online access to peer-reviewed scholarly articles. The association encourages the ethical and responsible sharing of research findings to enhance academic and public engagement.

Key Features of Our Open Access Policy

  1. All articles published in JRTL are made immediately available upon publication, ensuring that researchers and the general public have prompt access to the latest research findings.
  2. JRTL does not charge any subscription or access fees. All content is freely accessible to readers worldwide.
  3. Articles published in JRTL can be freely reused and redistributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This allows users to share and adapt the material, provided appropriate credit is given to the original authors and the source.
  4. Authors retain the copyright to their work and grant the journal a license to publish the article. Authors are encouraged to share their research widely and are free to post the published version on personal, departmental, or institutional websites.
  5. Open access increases the visibility and impact of research by making it accessible to a broader audience, including researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and the general public.
  6. Our open access policy ensures compliance with the requirements of funding agencies that mandate open access to research outputs.

International Standards for Authors

Authors submitting to JRTL are expected to adhere to the following international standards:

  1. Authors should accurately report their findings and present an objective discussion of the significance of their research. Misleading or inaccurate statements are unacceptable.
  2. Authors should provide sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Data and methods should be shared transparently where possible, in accordance with the norms of the discipline.
  3. Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.
  4. Authors should not generally publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior.
  5. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors.
  6. Authors should disclose any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Citation Policy

Proper citation of sources is crucial to maintaining the integrity and credibility of academic research. JRTL requires authors to adhere to the following citation policies:

  1. Authors must ensure that all sources cited in their manuscripts are accurately referenced. This includes correct author names, titles, publication years, and other pertinent details.
  2. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited. Authors must properly attribute ideas, data, and direct quotations to their original sources.
  3. Authors should cite only relevant and necessary sources that directly contribute to the content of their manuscript. Excessive or irrelevant citations should be avoided.
  4. Authors should use the citation style specified by JRTL, which aligns with the APA style. Consistency in citation format throughout the manuscript is required.
  5. Authors must ensure that they have the right to use any cited sources and that these sources are appropriately credited. This includes obtaining permission for the use of copyrighted material where necessary.

Author(s) Rights

JRTL recognizes and upholds the rights of authors to ensure that their contributions are fairly recognized and protected. Authors are entitled to the following rights:

  1. Authors retain the copyright of their published work without restrictions. 
  2. Authors have the right to be properly attributed and recognized for their work. This includes proper citation and acknowledgment of their contributions in any use or distribution of the work.
  3. Authors have the right to share and distribute their published work. This includes the right to deposit the work in institutional repositories or on personal websites.
  4. Authors have the right to create derivative works based on their published research, such as extensions or adaptations, as long as the original work is properly credited.
  5. Authors have the right to receive a digital copy of their published work. They are encouraged to disseminate their research within the academic community and beyond.
  6. Authors are granted publishing rights freely, without limitations.
  7. The published article may be used for personal teaching purposes.
  8. Authors are permitted to include the article in a book they author or edit, at any point following publication in the journal.
  9. Articles can be presented at conferences and reproduced for distribution to attendees.

Peer Review Process

The journal uses a double-blind system for peer-review; both reviewers and authors’ identities remain anonymous. Papers are subject to a peer-review process, using an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. Referees are asked to judge the quality of research and also the relevance and accessibility of a paper for an international audience. The authors must propose two reviewers for their manuscripts. These reviewers should be international in scope and at least one of them should be from an English language speaking country. Authors should not suggest reviewers from their own institutions or reviewers where a conflict of interest may arise for the reviewer.

Open Citations (I4OC)

JRTL is committed to supporting transparency and accessibility in scholarly communication. As part of this commitment, we endorse the principles of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC).

JRTL's Commitment to Open Citations

At the JRTL, we recognize the importance of open citations for the advancement of knowledge and the scholarly community. We are committed to making all citation data from articles published in our journal freely available in line with the I4OC principles. This means:

  1. All citation data related to articles published in JRTL will be freely accessible to researchers, libraries, publishers, and the public.
  2. We actively contribute our citation data to open databases such as CrossRef, ensuring that our citation data is integrated into global citation networks.
  3. By supporting open citations, we aim to enhance the visibility and impact of research published in JRTL, facilitating greater collaboration and knowledge sharing within the academic community.

Data Sharing Policy

JRTL is committed to promoting transparency, reproducibility, and the advancement of knowledge through the sharing of research data. Our data sharing policy encourages authors to make the data underlying their research publicly available, ensuring that others can verify, replicate, and build upon their work.

JRTL's Data Sharing Policy

  1. Authors must include a Data Availability Statement in their manuscript, indicating whether the data supporting their findings are available and where they can be accessed.
  2. Authors are encouraged to deposit their data in recognized, trusted data repositories that provide persistent identifiers (e.g., DOIs) for data sets. Examples include Dryad, Figshare, Zenodo, and institutional repositories.
  3. Authors should cite data sets in their reference list, providing sufficient information for others to access and use the data. The citation should include the data set’s DOI or other persistent identifier.
  4. Authors may include supplementary materials with their submission if the data cannot be deposited in a repository. These materials should be described in the manuscript and made available through the journal’s platform.
  5. Data sharing must comply with ethical guidelines and legal requirements, including those related to participant confidentiality and informed consent. Sensitive data should be anonymized or shared under restricted access if necessary.
  6. If the data cannot be made fully open due to ethical, legal, or commercial reasons, authors should clearly specify the conditions under which the data can be accessed and used by others.

Preprint Policy

JRTL recognizes the value of preprints in promoting early dissemination and open access to research findings. A preprint is a complete draft of a research manuscript that is shared publicly before it has been peer-reviewed and formally published. Preprints are typically posted on preprint servers or repositories where they are freely accessible to the public.

JRTL Preprint Policy

  1. JRTL allows the submission of manuscripts that have been previously posted as preprints. Authors should disclose any preprint posting at the time of manuscript submission, including the DOI or URL of the preprint.
  2. When citing a preprint in a submitted manuscript, authors should provide the appropriate reference, including the DOI or URL of the preprint.
  3. The submission of a manuscript to JRTL that has been posted as a preprint will undergo the same rigorous peer review process as any other submission. The presence of a preprint does not affect the editorial and review processes.
  4. Authors are encouraged to choose a preprint server that assigns a DOI and applies a clear license to the preprint, such as a Creative Commons license, to ensure proper attribution and reuse conditions.
  5. If the manuscript undergoes significant changes during the peer review process, authors may update the preprint to reflect these changes. Authors should clearly indicate that the updated preprint is under review at JRTL.
  6. Upon acceptance and publication of the manuscript in JRTL, authors are encouraged to update the preprint record with a link to the final published version, including the DOI of the published article in JRTL.

Ethical Considerations

  • Authors must ensure that the preprint content is original and does not infringe on the rights of others. Posting a preprint does not constitute prior publication, but redundant publication of the same content in multiple journals is not permitted.
  • Authors should be transparent about the preprint status of their manuscript, ensuring that all relevant information is provided during the submission process.

Complaints and Appeals Process

JRTL is committed to providing a fair and transparent process for handling complaints and appeals. We strive to maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity and ethical publishing practices. If you have concerns or disputes related to our editorial decisions, peer review process, or ethical standards, we encourage you to follow the procedures outlined below.

We welcome complaints related to the following areas:

  1. Editorial Decisions: Concerns about decisions made by the editorial team regarding the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts.
  2. Peer Review Process: Issues related to the conduct, fairness, or quality of the peer review process.
  3. Ethical Standards: Allegations of ethical misconduct, including plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflicts of interest.
  4. Publication Process: Complaints about the publication process, including delays, editorial communication, and technical issues.

How to Submit a Complaint

  1. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the editorial office at []. Please provide detailed information about the nature of your complaint, including relevant manuscript details, dates, and any supporting evidence.
  2. Upon receipt of your complaint, we will acknowledge it within five working days and provide an estimated timeline for resolving the issue.

Handling Complaints

  1. The editorial office will conduct an initial assessment of the complaint to determine its validity and seriousness. If the complaint is deemed valid, it will be forwarded to the appropriate editorial team member or committee for further investigation.
  2. The investigation may involve reviewing the manuscript, communication records, and peer review reports. The editorial team may also seek input from external experts or advisors if necessary.
  3. Based on the findings of the investigation, the editorial team will take appropriate action to resolve the complaint. This may include revising editorial decisions, issuing corrections or retractions, or addressing procedural improvements.
  4. The complainant will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and any actions taken. We aim to resolve complaints within 30 working days of receipt.

Appeals Process

If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process is as follows:

  1. Submit your appeal in writing to the editor-in-chief at Include detailed reasons for the appeal and any additional evidence that supports your case.
  2. The editor-in-chief, along with an independent advisory committee, will review the appeal. This committee will consist of senior editorial board members who were not involved in the original decision or investigation.
  3. The decision of the appeals committee is final. The committee will provide a written response outlining the rationale for their decision and any further actions to be taken.
  4. You will be informed of the outcome of your appeal within 45 working days of submission.

Confidentiality and Anonymity

All complaints and appeals will be handled confidentially. The identity of the complainant will be protected throughout the process, and information will only be shared with those directly involved in the investigation and resolution.

Digital Archiving and Preservation Policy

JRTL is dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. We recognize the importance of maintaining a permanent, accessible scholarly record and have implemented a robust digital archiving and preservation policy to safeguard our content for future generations. All published manuscripts are stored on the EditorialPark platform. Moreover, all published issues are deposited by SDU University library for long-term preservation.

Plagiarism Policy

JRTL is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethics in publishing. Plagiarism is a serious violation of these standards and is not tolerated by JRTL. This policy outlines the procedures and consequences for handling cases of plagiarism. Plagiarism involves the use of another person’s ideas, words, data, or work without proper acknowledgment or permission. It includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Copying text verbatim from another source without quotation marks and proper citation.
  2. Reusing substantial parts of one’s own published work without appropriate citation.
  3. Incorporating phrases, ideas, or data from various sources into a new work without proper acknowledgment.
  4. Rephrasing another person’s ideas or work without proper citation.

Plagiarism Detection

  1. All manuscripts submitted to JRTL are screened for plagiarism using specialized plagiarism detection software (iThenticate). This ensures the originality of the content before it enters the peer review process.
  2. In addition to software checks, the editorial team conducts a thorough review of the manuscript for any potential signs of plagiarism.

Consequences of Plagiarism

  1. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism are rejected outright.
  2. Authors found guilty of plagiarism may be banned from submitting to JRTL for a specified period.
  3. In cases of severe or repeated plagiarism, the author’s affiliated institution may be notified of the misconduct.
  4. Plagiarized content in published articles results in retraction, with a retraction notice provided in the journal.


Authors have the right to appeal decisions made regarding plagiarism. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the editor-in-chief at], detailing the grounds for the appeal and any supporting evidence. Appeals will be reviewed by an independent committee, and the decision of this committee will be final.

Advertising policy

No advertisements are published on the web page other than the contents of the JRTL.

Article Processing Charge

In an open-access model, the publication costs of an article are paid from an author’s research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Article Processing Charges. These Article Processing Charges replace subscription charges and allow publishers to make the full-text of every published article freely available to all interested readers.

  • No article submission charges are required.
  • Article Processing Charges are only made if an article is accepted for publication.
  • Article Processing Charge is 100$
  • Once an article is accepted for publication, any Article Processing Charges on the article become due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charges, and JRTL will not issue refunds of any kind.
  • Authors who do not have sufficient funds may apply for a discount or waiver of publication fees at
  • Publishing fees or waivers do not affect editorial decision making.