Journal of Research in Turkic Languages


Journal of Research in Turkic Languages, Volume 6, Issue 1, May 2024, pp. 1-8
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 780 DOWNLOADS: 370 Publication date: 15 May 2024
ABSTRACT (English)
Following the worldwide pandemic, there was a substantial increase in the demand for alternative methods of education. Globally, institutions had to embrace distance learning and begin online classes to ensure their students’ education was not interrupted by the pandemic. This study was done to observe the differences in students’ achievement in online and offline groups to help Turkish language educators determine which method brings more positive results to students. The study was done in Nurorda School in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan with 60 participants from the seventh-grade class in a Turkish Language class. The students were in two groups, 50 students in the offline format while ten students were in the online format. The students were taught for five weeks and in the sixth-week, a final exam was conducted to test students' understanding. The students' scores were acquired, and an Independent Sample t-test was performed to assess whether there exists a statistically significant distinction between the two approaches. The analysis revealed that there is no statistically significant difference between online and offline modes of instruction, as the t-test yielded a result of 0.083, which is greater than the significance level of 0.05. Both approaches yielded similar outcomes in terms of student achievement, demonstrating equal effectiveness in improving comprehension and understanding of the subject in Turkish language education.
KEYWORDS (English)
Online education, offline education, Turkish language class, student achievement
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